Serving the community since 1981

Alpha-Shen Preschool & Kindergarten Monterey Park

Unlock the wonder and joy of early childhood learning through our immersive and nurturing preschool experience.

5-Star Rating on Yelp
(626) 282-2011

618 N Moore Ave, Monterey Park, CA 91754 (map)

About us

Creating Positive Learning Experiences for Students

Alpha-Shen Preschool Monterey Park “motivates” and “inspires” our students each step of the way through daily academic and social learning. Students are exposed and taught through positive learning experiences in our “caring” and “nurturing” environment staffed with experienced teachers. Our unique preschool provides a warm, loving and nurturing environment where our students look forward to school everyday.


Alpha-Shen Consists of Four Preschool Classes

The preschool program provides a structure that focuses on the child as a whole as well as the individual needs of each child. The specifically designed curriculum includes activities that encourage independence, social cooperation and intellectual growth. With the support of parents, Alpha-Shen is able to provide a positive learning experience where each child has the opportunity to develop his/her own unique potential and learn early school readiness skills. Each child is individually loved and nurtured. Learning respect and dignity for one’s self and others is expected in order to develop sound moral principles and ethical values.

Pre-K 1

Pre-K 2

Junior 3

Senior 3


What Parents Say

They teach kindergarten material in their Pre-K class so when my son went to kindergarten at a public school the following year he breezed through it with flying colors, and it set a strong foundation for his elementary school years. But don't worry, it's not just academic focused, they also have plenty of playtime and do lots of fun activities and arts & crafts as well.
Kristen Y.
Monterey Park, CA
The teachers are so responsive and always available. My daughter went to Alpha-Shen pre-pandemic and we always knew we wanted to continue sending our son there. I trust Ms Linda and her teachers so much; they genuinely show interest and care for their students and it is very clear.
Nicki U.
Los Angeles, CA
All three of my kids have attended this school, and I have been consistently impressed by the exceptional education and care they have received. One of the things that sets Alpha Shen apart from other preschools is the genuine care and dedication that the owner, Ms. Linda, has for her students. She really goes above and beyond to ensure that each child is well-cared for, happy, and thriving in their learning. The staff is nurturing, warm and welcoming, which allows the students to feel comfortable to learn and grow.
Kat C.
Alhambra, CA

More Than Just a Joyful Place

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